My facebook is: trytorememberneverforget
We were so blessed to receive a letter from President Obama. We just hope that everyone remembers to NEVER FORGET.
What a great week as Ruthie and I were on KUSi news. We are looking forward to having a great 2017 reminding people to NEVER FORGET.
Wrap yourself up in a warm fleece fitted jacket by calling 702-769-9533. $60.00 with proceeds going to The New Life Club of San Diego.
Welcome. My name is Sandra Scheller, author of Try to Remember-Never Forget. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about Try to Remember-Never Forget, expanding on some of the topics in it and posting on some of the ideas related to my book……